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What to Expect in Social Media for 2020

Trends in Social Media

Stoneham TV Lunch & Learn

Thursday, January 23, Noon-1:00PM

Stoneham TV studio, 53 Central Street

Do you want to succeed on social media in 2020? Then you need to know what trends will matter most this year. While the technology we can access has never been greater, the competition has also never been higher. Plus, there is no shortage of platforms where you could be investing your time.

In the end, it all comes back to your audience. Are you getting in front of them where they’re spending their time? Are you giving them what they want or need, at the right time? What matters to them?

Join us at Stoneham TV on Thursday, January 23 at Noon for a one hour workshop on 2020 Social Media Trends that social media experts are predicting. Learn what they are and how to leverage them to your, your company’s, or your organization’s advantage.

Pre-registration is required. Lunch will be provided by Gaetano’s.

Please click here to fill out the form to reserve your spot, and let us know if you have any questions including dietary concerns. Call us at (781) 438-8340 or email to get in touch.

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