Stoneham TV is free to anyone who works or lives in Stoneham. We are so happy to provide you with the tools to ignite your creativity and see your ideas come to life. If you would like to donate, please click the donation button below.

Donor Levels & Benefits
Fan - $25-$49
Stoneham TV newsletters
Annual donor party
Donor listing online & annual report
Supporting Cast - $50-$99
All of the Fan benefits PLUS
One Stoneham TV DVD copy
Cast Member - $100-$249
All of the Fan benefits PLUS
Five Stoneham TV DVD copies
Star - $250-$499
All of the Cast Member benefits PLUS
Birthday, anniversary or graduation two-week bulletin board greeting
Director - $500-$999
All of the Star benefits PLUS
Private Stoneham TV Gathering for donor and guests
Producer - $1,000+
All of the Director benefits PLUS
One-week video greeting shown on Stoneham TV